Colorado County TXGenWeb Project

Welcome to the USGenWeb Project Pages for Colorado County, Texas!

— volunteers working together to provide free genealogy and county history data—


Alphabetical list of ALL known burials in the county at Nesbitt Memorial Library web site
Updated 3/17/24


ALL known burials in each Colorado County cemetery, cemetery histories, descriptions, photograph
Updated 1/21/25

Census Records

A complete set with most indexed
Includes slave, agricultural and mortality schedules


Over 12,000 obituaries online
Many with photographs, most linked to cemeteries


Histories, photographs, related links


Modern and historical

Online Data

Includes court records,
list of early citizens, postmasters and much more

Nesbitt Memorial Library

Archival holdings, Bill Stein's "ungilded" history
of the county, extensive online data, much more

Updated 3/17/24

Vital Records

Births, Marriages, Deaths


Entries from early books, newspapers & modern genealogists

The Military

Online data pertaining to wars
in which men/women of our county have participated

Church and Bible Records

Online birth, death, marriage, & confirmation
records, data from family Bibles

Reminiscenses & Recollections

Early Colorado County as it was remembered

Families of Colorado County

Genealogy web sites
Also Family Group Photographs & Family Reunions


Photographs, histories,
newspaper articles, records


Lookup offers for cemetery listings,
marriages, 1850 census, books, and more

Family Group Sheet Project

In cooperation with Colorado County
Historical Commission

Historical Markers

Text from area markers with photos

Neighboring Counties

TXGenWeb sites


Share your old photographs,
identify others, Photo Index


Online images, both new and old,
as well as extracted articles


USGenWeb Archives Project

Colorado County research materials


Colorado County was formed in 1837 from a Mexican Municipality with the county seat in Columbus.

If you find bad or missing links, please notify the Colorado County TXGenWeb Project coordinator.

search engine by freefind advanced
The Colorado County TXGenWeb Project is devoted exclusively to history and genealogy. Please check the chamber of commerce or city websites linked under "Communities" for information on recreational and public facilities or government services.

This search engine will not find queries on the Colorado County Message Board which has a separate search engine. It does not cover the Nesbitt Memorial Library web site or other resources outside this site.

In Memory of Two Great Friends of Colorado County History and Genealogy

Dorothy Wallace Albrecht

31 Dec 1929 - 31 Jan 2009
Colorado County TXGenWebCoordinator

Obituary & Other Tributes

Bill Stein

21 Jan 1954 - 9 Dec 2008
Library Director-Archivist, Nesbitt Memorial Library
Columbus, Texas

Obituary & Other Tributes

County Coordinator

Rox Ann Johnson is the coordinator of the Colorado County TXGenWeb Project. She is the daughter of past coordinator, Dorothy Albrecht. Due to pressing responsibilities she is currently unable to handle look-up requests. Please see the Look-Up Volunteers page for others who may be able to help you. Do feel free to contact Rox Ann regarding information or photographs you would like to contribute to this web site.

If you can offer any assistance with lookups or data, please let Rox Ann know.


Texas County Index

Texas USGenWeb Archives