Colorado County

"Osage Campmeetings"  

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Campmeeting 1881

CAMP-MEETING at Osage will commence Friday, July 22, 1881, conducted on the self-supporting plan. Preachers getting off the train at Weimar will find conveyance to the camp ground. C. W. Thomas
Colorado Citizen, July 7, 1881, page 3

Weimar Locals

“Uncle Charly” Thomas, the Methodist pioneer “war-horse,” will begin a campmeeting , assisted by a corps of preachers, at Osage, commencing on the 22d instant. And thus the good work goes on. Thus people can’t say they never heard the “Story of he Cross.”
Colorado Citizen, July 14, 1881, page 3


The report of the accessions to the Church at the Methodist camp-meeting should have been fifty-four. We are always glad to make this kind of correction.
Colorado Citizen, August 11, 1881, page 3

Weimar Local Matters

Our good people have on foot a project to build a large shed at Osage for camp-meeting purposes. The cost is estimated at $500, and over half of the amount has been subscribed. It is to be free for all religious denominations. The camp-meeting closed last Sunday night at Osage with forty-eight accessions to the church. Much interest was manifested by every one. Seventeen infants were baptized.
Colorado Citizen, August 4, 1881


Campmeeting 1882

Don’t forget that the campmeeting begins at Osage tonight. A good and profitable time is anticipated. Several distinguished preachers are expected. It will be, we suppose,on the self-sustaining plan. Many families in the neighborhood are making preparations to camp. Come over and help us.
Colorado Citizen, July 20, 1882, page 3

The Osage campmeeting closed last Friday night. Much good was accomplished and he church powerfully revived. Some eighteen souls converted and joined the church. The preachers are now resting and recuperating, and will begin a protracted meeting here tonight, in the Methodist Church.
Colorado Citizen, August 3, 1882, page 3

Campmeeting 1883

Weimar Local Matters

The Osage camp-meeting begins to-night. Mr. Waddell, P. C., has been promised ministerial aid. Several distinguished divines ae expected to be present and assist him in conducing the meeting. It is to be hoped that much good may be accomplished for the Master’s cause.
Colorado Citizen, July 17, 1883

Weimar Local Matters

One of the largest attended camp meetings ever held in this section of the country is now in successful operation at Osage, under the supervision of the Methodist Church at that place. There were fifty-two tents standing upon the ground Sunday, and good judges decided that there were two thousand souls on the encampment that day. Rev. S. D. Waddel, the P. C., has a full corps of Ministerial aid, viz: Jacob Ditzler, W. Wooten, C. W. Thomas. A. L. P. Green, ___ Sewell and Thomas Glass. Dr. Ditzler preached one of the most interesting sermons on the subject of “Faith,” at 11 o’clock, Sunday, that was ever delivered on this old and memorable camp-ground. The Dr. is one of the most profound and learned men in the South, and is considered the “Expound” of the doctrines of the Methodist Church. He will hold a series of meetings in your city, embracing the second Sabbath in August proximo. Tell your people to turn out and hear this old battle worn veteran, and hear the “story of the Cross,a” as it falls from the lips of this classical scholar.
Colorado Citizen, July 26, 1883

 Campmeeting 1884

Weimar Local Matters

Remember that the Centennial campmeeting begins at Osage tomorrow week. We hear of quite a number that propose camping. A grand and glorious time is expected.
Colorado Citizen, July 17, 1884

Weimar Local Matters.

The Centennial camp meeting at Osage closed last Thursday night with glorious results. There were twenty-one accessions to the Church, and the membership were strengthened and built up in the holy faith, and occupy higher ground, and are more determined to battle for the Master’s Kingdom. There was much earnest convincing and forcible during the progress of the meeting. Revs. Duncan and Woolsey, the preachers in charge, had the assistance of Revs. C. W. Thomas Thomas Glass, ____Daniels and ____ Sears, of Flatonia. Rev. Mr. Sears was a stranger to most of these people, and is quite a young man, but proved to be a giant in the cause. He made many and lasting friends among this people.
Colorado Citizen, August 7, 1884


Campmeeting 1885

The campmeeting at Osage, under the management of Rev. Mr. Murry, is progressing finely--a good deal of good is being done and the meeting gives promise for more. The arbor bult for the occasion is 65 x 60 and its seating capacity is about 850 persons. There are between twenty-five and thirty tenters who are comfortably fixed up. Last Sunday there was between 1000 and 1500 people on the grounds, though it is said, not as many as there was the year previous. The services are being conducted in a nice and ably manner, and the ministers in attendance seem to be well satisfied with their work.
Weimar Gimlet, July 30, 1885


The good people of Osage neighborhood propose a big camp meeting to commence the Thursday before the fourth Sunday in July.
Colorado Citizen, June 11, 1885

The campmeeting which has been convening for several weeks at Osage closed last Sunday night with 23 conversions and 35 accessions to the Methodist church.
Weimar Gimlet, August 6, 1885

Weimar Local Matters

The Osage camp meeting closed last Sunday night, having been protracted from the 23d of July, with good results. There were 35 conversions and 22 accessions to the Church and the membership of the Church g’oriously revived and strengthened; a campmeeting has been held on this camp ground annually for the last 28 years. Uncle Alex Folts says this year makes the twenty second year he has “pitched his tent on this camp ground.” Rev. J. L. Murray, P. C had Revs. H. C. Brooks, Presiding Elder C. W. Thomas, J. B. Sears, J. A. Duncan, and P. H. Hensley, of the Presbyterian Church, to assist. The congregation last Sunday was very large.
Colorado Citizen, August 6, 1885

Campmeeting 1886


We are informed by the Rev. M. S. Hotchkiss that the camp-meeting at Osage will begin the 22d of this month. Mr. Hotchkiss has the assurance of Ministerial aid in conducting he camp-meeting, and earnest asks the co-operation of all our good citizens in making it a complete success.
Colorado Citizen, July 8, 1886


The Osage camp-meeting begins tonight and we take this method of cautioning parties going to and coming from there in vehicles about two small bridges, that are quite dangerous on the road. The banisters that were on either side or now down, and there is danger of driving off to one side or he other in going on off[sic]. A few minutes work with a little lumber, would make each safe.
Colorado Citizen, July 22, 1886


The camp-meeting at Osage was well attended last Sunday, and there are more campers than usual. Elder Brooks occupied the pulpit at the 11 o’clock, a.m. and 9 p.m. services, and Rev. Mr. Hotchkiss delivered the 3 o’clock sermon--both able and faithful servants of the Lord.
Colorado Citizen, July 29, 1886

Campmeeting 1887


The attendance at the camp meeting at Osage last Sunday, was quite large, Rev. S. C. Littlepage, of Columbus, preached a most interesting sermon at the 11 o’clock services. He is an able theologian, and held his congregation interested for nearly two hours. Considerable interest is being manifested and it is thought that great good will be the result of this meeting.
Colorado Citizen, July 21, 1887 

Weimar Waifs

The camp meeting at Osage closed last Thursday night, with a number of conversions and accessions to the church. One feature of the meting was it began and closed with a wedding. The last parties that were united in the holy bonds of matrimony were Mr. Tom McMillan and Miss ___Hand, both of Osage.
La Grange Journal, July 28, 1887


The Osage camp meeting closed Thursday evening last with glorious results--forty conversions and twenty-four accessions to the Church.
Colorado Citizen, July 2 8, 1887

Campmeeting 1888

The campmeeting, which begins at Osage tonight, is looked forward to with much pleasure by old and young. Osage is one of the most delightful of rural resorts. There is no place more fitted for worshiping the Great Giver of ever good gift. The delightful springs and the tall oaks stream with gray green mosses. It is sweet to linger here among the fleeting birds, leaping squirrels and wandering brooks.
Weimar Gimlet, July 19, 1888, page 3

Campmeeting 1889

The services of the annual campmeeting at Osage, six miles northeast of Weimar, will commence Thursday night before the fourth Sunday in July 1889.

All persons who contemplate camping and all others who are willing to assist, are requested to meet on the grounds on Monday preceding the above date to work on the grounds and arbor.

Let prayer ascend from every christian heart for the success of the meeting.
T. B. Graves, P. C.
Weimar, Tex. Jun 19, 1889
Weimar Mercury, June 20, 1889, page 3

Remember the campmeeting at Osage begins July 25th. Brother Hotchkiss has kindly consented to be on the ground Monday, 22d, to superintend the building of the arbor. Let us work and pray. T. B. Graves.
Weimar Mercury, July 20, 1889,page 3

The campmeeing at Osage commenced Thursday morning last. A number of campers from this city left early that morning and will remain until the close. On Monday the arbor was rebuilt and the grounds cleared off, and everything presents a cheerful appearance. A large crowd from this city is espected to attend to-morrow, as the services will be unusually interesting;.
Weimar Mercury, July 27, 1889, page 3

Dear Mercury:
The campmeeting at Osage closed this (Thursday) morning, and although the visible results fell far short of last year, we have reason to believe that much and lasting good was accomplished. There were baptized three adults and four infants. Six additions to the church, and a great many resolutions formed, and promises made to each other and to God to lead better lives in the coming days than in the past.
Rev. M. S. Hotchkiss of Columbus, Rev. J. M. McMahon of Eagle Lake, Rev. B. H. Passmore of the west Texas conference, and our full weight presiding elder did about all the preaching, all of which was earnest, scriptural and searching. For whatever good may have been accomplished, we give God the glory, confessing ourselves chargeable with any apparent want of success.
T. B. Graves,
Weimar, Aug. 1, 1889
Weimar Mercury, August 3, 1889, page 3

Campmeeting 1890

Remember the camp meeting at Osage is to commence on Thursday night before the fourth Sunday in this month. Let every family in which there is one unconverted member, consider this as the best--and perhaps the last opportunity for bringing them to Christ. Brother, don’t let any trivial circumstance prevent you from camping on the ground. Let every tent be stretched in time for everyone to be present at the first service.
Weimar Mercury, July 12,1890

 Those friendly to the cause,and especially all who expect to participate in the work are requested to meet at Osage Monday morning, July 21st, 1890, for the purpose of rebuilding the arbor and generally repairing the camp ground. We deem this sufficient notice to those who have so industriously reported that there would be no campmeeting this year to cease their efforts in that direction. We are expecting many campers and ample ministeral assistance. What we ask in additon is the earnest and individual prayers of the church for the divine blessings on our labors.
Weimar Mercury, July 19, 1890, page 3

CAMP meeting opened at Osage Thursday night. Next week we will endeavor to give a description of the grounds, and a resume of the work accomplished.
Weimar Mercury, July 26, 1890, page 3

The campmeeting at Osage is still in progress,and is well attended. There are quite a number of tenters on the grounds, and there have been several accessions to the church. It is said to be a good meeting.
Weimar Mercury, August 2, 1890, page 2

DURING the Osage campmeeting, which closed last Friday, there were about twenty accessions to the church.
Weimar Mercury, August 9, 1890, page 2

Campmeeting 1891

Our people are already talking of a campmeeting, which will begin at Osage on the 16th inst. No doubt there will be a big gathering there as is generally the case on such occasions. Able ministers will be there to assist Rev. H. M. Haynie.
Weimar Mercury, July 4, 1891

Next Monday the public generally are specially invited to meet Rev. H. M. Haynie at Osage for the purpose of assisting us rebuilding the arbor for campmeeting purposes, which will commence Thursday night, 16th inst.
Colorado Citizen, July 9, 1891, page 3

The campmeeting at Osage, under the management of Rev. H. M. Haynie, commences tonight. The grounds have all been cleaned off, the arbor renovated and several tenters already upon the ground. Should the weather be favorable and worms on cotton do no damage, the attendance will be large, and great good is expected from the results.
Colorado Citizen, July 16, 1891, page 3

The campmeeting at Osage, under the management of Rev. H. M. Haynie, commences tonight. The grounds have all been cleaned off, the arbor renovated and several tenters already upon the ground. Should the weather be favorable and worms on cotton do no damage, the attendance will be large, and great good is expected from the results.
Colorado County, July 16, 1891, page 3

Several of our people went out to Osage Monday morning to assist in fixing up he arbor and preparing the grounds for the campmeeting which began there Thursday.
Weimar Mercury, July 18, 1891

The camp meeting at Osage which has been going on ever since last Thursday is at this tme progressing finely. The heavy rain of Thursday night wet up the grounds considerably but did not in the least dampen the interest manifested in religion. Morning, evening and night services were held each day to good congregations, and the utmost silence prevailed during the entire service. There are about twenty campers with their familes on the ground. Sunday a great number of visitors from Weimar, Columbus and other points were upon the ground, although the crowd was not as large as it was the year prevous. The experience meeting in the morning under the management of Rev. H. M. Haynie and other divines was exceedingly interesting, and the able sermon of Rev;. Anderson at 11 o’clock set the audience to deep thinking.
Colorado Citizen, July 23, 1891, page 3

The Methodist camp-meeting at Osage closed Friday night after a continuous meeting of nine days. The attention and interest was better this time than ever before, and perfect order prevailed throughout the entire session. The ministers in attendance were Rev. H. M. Haynie of Weimar, Rev. G. E. Collins of Columbus, Rev. Jno. F. Sullivan of Flatonia and Rev. A. J. Anderson of Sealy. All are able divines and logical speakers. At the close of each sermon many of the listeners would come forward and kneel at the mourner’s bench anxiously seeking religion and at the close of the meeting there were nineteen accessions to the church and twenty-eight conversions, besides many who had wandered away, repented and returned to the church with a full desire and determination to do better in the future. The protracted meeting at the Methodist church in Weimar commenced Sunday and will continue throughout the week.
Colorado County, July 30, 1891, page 3

The campmeeting at Osage closed last Friday night, and is now being protracted at the Methodist church in this city, the ministers in charge believing that they could secure a larger attendance by the removal to town. The meeting at Osage resulted in twenty-five conversions and nineteen accessions to the church. The meeting began in this city Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. Rev. Haynie has secured Revs. Sitlon of Smithville, Collins of Columbus and Sullivan of Flatonia to assist him. The meeting will be continued for several days. Let all attend, and hear the eloquent, feeling sermons delivered by these faithful servants of the Master.
Weimar Mercury, August 1, 1891

Campmeeting 1893

Campmeeting, we understand, will commence on next Thursday, the 13th instant, at Osage. The members of the church will go out next Monday and fix up the arbor. Plenty of good help has been secured by Br. Haynie, we are pleased to state.
Weimar Mercury, July 8, 1893

Campmeeting began Thursday at Osage. Quite a number of families have camped there, and many from town, and surround country go out every evening. Next week we hope to publish something further in regard tot he meting.
Weimar Mercury July 15, 1893

A great many citizens from Weimar and vicinity went out to campmeeting last Sunday. The arbor this year is a splendid one, very large and shady, and the seating capacity is also greatly enlarged. In the morning at 9 and at 11 o’clock services were held, also in the afternoon at 4, and at night at 8 ‘clock. Revs. Haynie and Clothier are conducting the services, and meeting with very good success. Great interest is being manifested by nearly all who attend, and the prospects for success are very flattering. Campers to the number of about twenty families are located on the grounds.
Weimar Mercury, July 22, 1893

Campmeeting at Osage broke up Friday evening of last week. We were misinformed as to the results of the meeting, when we stated last week that there had been about fifteen conversions. Aside from the many backsliders aroused to a sense of duty, and interest in general aroused, there were eight conversions, seven joined the Methodist church, and seven infants were baptized. Altogether, the meeting can be put down as a success.
Weimar Mercury, July 29, 1893

Campmeeting 1895

Campmeeting will commence at Osage week after next--on Thursday before the third Sunday, we believe. All who can do so should go out and camp. We will give more particulars of the meeting next week.
Weimar Mercury, July 13, 1895

Campmeeting began Thursday, with quite a good crowd in attendance. A large number of citizens will go out to the services tomorrow.
Weimar Mercury, July 27, 1895

Rev. Harmon has as his assistants in the campmeeting the following able ministers: Presiding Elder J. B. Sers of La Grange, Revs. Davis of Smithville and J. W. Horn of Columbus.
Weimar Mercury, July 27. 1895

Campmeeting is still in progress at Osage, and large crowds go out every evening to attend the services. There have been quite a number of accessions to the church, and much interst is manifest. Owing to sickness in the editor’s family, we have been unable to attend, therefore can not give a full account of the services, but trust to procure same in time for our next issue.
Weimar Mercury, August 3, 1895

The Osage campmeeting closed Thursday night of last week. Owing, perhaps to extremely hot weather and a good deal of sickness throughout this country the attendance was not so large as usual; but, still, the meeting was marked with a good deal of success for the Master’s cause. A good number joined the church, and all that attended were glad that they went.
Weimar Mercury, August 10, 1895

Campmeeting 1896

We are requested to state that the Methodist campmeeting will commence at Osage on Thursday, July 16. The local pastor, Rev. J. W. Harmon, will be assisted by Revs. R. T. Blackburn of Smithville and A. T. Osborne of Flatonia, two very fine young preachers. All who can do so are requested to make arrangements and go out and camp during the meeting.
Weimar Mercury, July 11, 1896

 Campmeeting has been very well attended this week. There were perhaps fifteen or twenty families camped on the grounds, and with good preaching by Revs. Osborne of Flatonia, Blackburn of Smithville and Harmon of this city, the meeting has been greatly enjoyed. The meeting closed the latter part of the week.
Weimar Mercury, July 25, 1896, page 3

Post Specials:

Weimar, Texas, July 21.--The Methodists are holding a camp-meeting at Osage, six or seven miles northeast from this place, conducted by Rev. Mr. Harmon, assisted by Rev. Mr. Osborne of Flatonia and Rev. Mr. Blackburn of Smithville. Commencing at this place (Osage) in 1963, there has been a camp-meeting held there ever since without a single failure. It is a noted place for these meetings, and a failure to hold one any year would be regarded by old citizens here as a great calamity to the neighborhood and withal, sacrilegious. The camp ground is covered now with tents and large numbers of people go from a great distance to spend their time there in worshiping the Allwise Creator in the open air At these annual meetings old acquaintance is renewed, new and mutual friendships are made and joy and happiness seem to permeate the entire camp. The “old-time religion” is there shown up in its proud essence and is given full away.
Weimar Mercury, August 8, 1896, page 2

Campmeeting 1897

We are requested to again remind the people that the Methodist campmeeting will begin at Osage on Thursday, July 22. Rev. Holt has secured several well-known and able ministers to assist him in conducting same, and the prospects for a good meeting are very promising.
Weimar Mercury, June 12, 1897, page 1


Campmeeting 1898


Quite a nice crowd composed of Messrs. Dick Whitfield, Lamar Duncan and W. D. Folts, and Misses Nola Oakes, Lissie Taylor and Jennie Campbell, attended the damp meeting at Osage last Wednesday.
Weimar Mercury, August 6, 1898, page 4

Campmeeting began Thursday night with a very good attendance. Large crowds attend almost nightly from this city, and interest in the meeting is constantly increasing. Everyone who can should attend the meeting.
Weimar Mercury, July 23, 1898, page 7

Campmeeting 1899

The annual Methodist campmeeting begins at Osage today (Friday. Several of our citizens have moved out and will camp there during the progress of the meeting. Rev. W. F. Brinson will have the Methodist pastor from Eagle Lake to assist him in the meeting. All who can do so should attend these meetings.
Weimar Mercury, July 15, 1899, page 4

Campmeeting 1900

Campmeeting will begin at Osage on the 27th--next Friday. Parties interested in the meeting will meet at the grounds next Monday and prepare the arbor. Rev. Brunson, the Methodist pastor, informs us that he expects to have Revs. McMahon of Columbus and Hocutt of Elgin to assist him in the meeting. All who can do so should make arrangement to go there and camp during the meeting. Everybody cordially invited to attend the services.
Weimar Mercury, July 21, 1900, page 5

Campmeeting 1901

Osage Camp Meeting

The Osage campmeeting will begin on Thursday, July 25, and continue until Sunday, August 4. All necessary preparations are being made and everything bids fair for a great meeting. We have secured the best of help in the way of preachers, singers, etc., among whom are Rev. O. L Hotchkiss of Bastrop, Tex, Dr. E. S. Smith, presiding elder of Austin district, and others. Good water, good shade, moonlight nights, and every thing seems to be in our favorl All of every name and order, are cordially invited to come and camp with us, and take part in the meeting. Let all who love the cause of Christ and desire the salvaton of souls “Come up to the help of the Lord, to the help of the Lord against the mighty.” Yours in His name, W. C. BRACEWELL.

Special attention will be extended visttors from a distance in the matter of accommodiations.
Weimar Mercury, July 6, 1901, page 5

1902 Campmeeting

The Osage campmeeting will soon be upon us. The time set is Thursday before the third Sunday in July, same being he 17th of the month. Rev. W. T. McDonald of Flatonia, Rev. C. F. Annis of the west Texas conference, and a number of other good preachers will be in attendance. From reports it is believed the number of campers this season will be unusually large. A grand, good time is anticipated.
Weimar Mercury, June 28, 1902

Several families from this city moved out to Osage Thursday morning to attend campmeeting. With favorable weather conditions the attendance at the meeting will be large.
Weimar Mercury, July 19, 1902

Campmeeting at Osage still continues, with very fair results. The wether has been propitious, therefore the attendance has been large, and the interest manifested has been exceedingly satisfactory. The meeting will continue until Sunday night. All who can do so should go out there and hear some good preaching.
Weimar Mercury, July 26, 1902

The camp meeting at Osage camp-ground has just closed, and was one of the best and most pleasant held in years. There were twenty-five conversions and eighteen acquisitions to the Methodist church. Rev. W. C. Braceewell, the local pastor, and Rev. R. E. Nunn of this city, had charge of the preaching, while Prof. Hussey of Rosenberg had charge of the singing. Mrs. Scott Watson and children and Mrs. R. E. Nunn and little son, Charlie, were the attendants from this city.--Eagle Lake Advertiser.
Weimar Mercury, August 9, 1902

Campmeeting 1903

Osage campmeeting begins Thursday, July 30, and continues over the first and second Sundays in August. There will be an unusual number of tenters, able ministerial assistance is expected, and everything bids fair for a large attendance and a grand meeting.
Weimar Mercury, July 15, 1903, page 8

Campmeeting begins at Osage next Thursday. With good weather the attendance will probably be large, as the farmers are pretty well up with their work--most of them having “laid by” their crops. Good weather will also likely induce a good attendance from town. It is to be hoped that great good will result from the meeting.
Weimar Mercury, July 25, 1903, page 5

Brother Bracewell requested us to announce that campmeeting is going on at Osage, with plenty of help, and that everybody is invited to come out and attend same.
Weimar Mercury, August 1, 1903, page 8

Campmeeting is progressing, but under multitudiuous difficulties--fact is, we think it is about “washed out.” Rains have fallen almost continually since it began, the roads are in deplorable conditon, the town folks can’t get out there, and the attendance is very small. Brother Bracewell informed us Thursday that the meeting would continue until Sunday; that there have been regular services all during the week despite the inclement weather, and that he would be glad to see a number of the town folks out there.
Weimar Mercury, August 8, 1903, page 1

Campmeeting closed last Sunday night. The meeting, on account of disagreeable weather and bad roads, was not very successful.
Weimar Mercury, August 15, 1903, page 8

Campmeeting 1904

Campmeeting at Osage opened up Thursday afternoon, with a goodly number of campers, and more in prospect. The weather is fine, and a large attendance and much interest is anticipated. All who can do should attend same. Aside from the great and everlasting good likely to result from hearing good preaching morning, afternoon and night, a day out in the open, away from busines cares, will do you much good. Your presence at the camp ground will be appreciated.
Weimar Mercury, July 16, 1904, page 4

Campmeeting 1905

Campmeeting at Osage is in full progress, with a large and inceasing attendance. Much interest is being manifested, and it is hoped great good will be accomplished. Rev. H. B. Henry, the local Methodist pastor is doing most of the preaching, and his sermons have been highly complimented by those in attendance. It is probable the meeting will break up Sunday night.
Weimar Mercury, August 12, 1905, page 8

The Methodist campmeeting at Osage closed last Sunday night. During the meeting there was a good attendance at all times, and considerable interest manifested. Rev. Gregg, an evangelist, assisted Bro. Henry during the later part of the meeting. There was a total of seventeen conversions during the meeting. There was some splendid and powerful preaching during the meeting, and the results of same, so far as we can learn, are perfectly satisfactory.
Weimar Mercury, August 19, 1905, page 8

Campmeeting 1906

The Methodist campmeeting at Osage closed last Sunday night, after being in progress about ten days. There were thirteen additions to the church as a result of the meeting. Rev. J. E. Buck had charge of the meeting, and his earnestness and zealous efforts had considerable to do with the success of same.
Weimar Mercury, July 28, 1906, page 5

Campmeeting 1907

News of Osage Section.

Brother Hatfield from Smithville is doing some fine preaching here. Hope there will be a great revival before the meeting closes. There are a good many visitors from a distance attending the meeting. Among them are Mrs. Dave Chapman and grandson from San Antonio, Mr. J. H. Blair, wife. and daughter and niece from Waller county, Mr. Rankin and wife from Gonzales, Mr. Emmett Wilson and family from Tyler, Miss E. Dick from Columbus, Misses Maggie Raburn, Myrtle Burris and Myrtle Darby from Glidden, Misses Roxy and Mattie Garrett from Weimar, Miss Nora and Master Wiley Trousdale from Pierce. Mr. David Chapman and Mrs. Jessie Burford from Glen Flora have been here but have returned home. There are several others who have been coming and going, but it would take too much time and space to mention them all.

There was quite an excitement under the arbor Wednesday night. Leona, the little two-year-old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan, was lying on the seat trying to go to sleep; she began screaming. the mother, thinking something was stinging the little one, carried her out to se what it was, but while going out with here someone saw a copperhead snake fall from the seat and upon examination found the child had been bitten on the ear. She was immediately carried to town to Dr. Chas. Cook, but fortunately, however, it did not hurt the little one. She is up as playful as ever this morning. Little Bill.
Weimar Mercury, August 3, 1907, page 8

\Campmeeting closed at Osage Friday last at 11 o’clock. We are informed there were no conversions during the meeting, although there was a goodly attendance all during same. The preaching was fine and highly complimented by all present, but in view of the fact that there were several severe cases of sickness in camp it was deemed advisable to bring the meeting to a close.
Weimar Mercury, August 10, 1907, page 5

Campmeeting 1908

If we haven’t gotten our dates mixed, campmeeting will began[sic] at Osage next Sunday, the 19th. A number of our citizens will camp out there during the meeting.
Weimar Mercury, July 18, 1908, page 4

Campmeeting is in progress at Osage, but owing to the extreme hot weather and the farmers being busy in their crops the attendance is not as good as expected. Rev. Worrell is doing the preaching. We understand the meeting will hold over until next Sunday.
Weimar Mercury July 25, 1908, page 8

Campmeeting 1909

Campmeeting will begin at Osage tonight (Thursday) A nice arbor and seats have been arranged, and a good meeting is expected and hoped for. Brother Worrell, the preacher in charge, informed us Tuesday that Brother W. S. Shaver was booked to hold down first base, whereat a mutual friend remarked that Brother Worrell could be counted on to hold down the catcher’s position. The other part of the “battery” has not yet been announced. All who can do so should go out and attend the services. A cordial ivitation is extended all.
Weimar Mercury, July 16, 1909, page 4

Campmeeting is in progress at Osage, but we understand that the attendaance is not very large. The weather being so intolerably warm has deterred many from atending. It is to be hoped tha great and lasting good may be accomplished through he meeting.
Weimar Mercury, July 23, 1909, page 1

Campmeeting 1913

The Methodist camp meeting at Osage opened one night last week, with several families camped upon the grounds. The attendance has been very good, interest also, and with good weather it is hoped the meeting will be productive of great good. Brother Gibbons, the pastor, can be counted upon to do his part.
Weimar Mercury, August 8, 1913, page 5

Revival 1918


The revival is in progress at Osage this week. No services at Oakland or County Line next Sunday. Prayer meeting Thiursday night, led by Chas. Ammann. J. J. MASON, Pastor
Weimar Mercury, July 19, 1918, page 1


The revival at Osage closed Sunday night. There was a good attendance throughout the meeting, much interest in affairs religious was aroused. As a result of this meeting the people of Osage are raising funds to paint and paper their church.
Weimar Mercury, July 26, 1918, page 1

Campmeeting? 1924


The people of Osage community built an old-time arbor just in front of their church, and the revival meeting began last Sunday night. Two services are held daily at 5 and 8:15 p. m. with supper on the ground. Rev. M. J. Allen and wife of Austin are helping in the meeting. everyone is cordially invited to attend this meeting, being held on this historic old camp ground.
Weimar Mercury, July 25, 1924, page 1


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